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The Planning Act requires the Municipality to hold a Public Meeting to consider all applications for amendments to the Official Plan or Zoning Bylaws and Plans of Subdivision. The purpose of the Public Meeting is to consider the staff report and provide a public forum for debate on the merits of the application.
The following is a list of active Planning Act Applications including Zoning By-law Amendments, Official Plan Amendments, Plan of Subdivision, Consent Applications, and Minor Variance Applications:
Elgin Street Condominiums SUB2022-01 & Z13-2022 | ||||
Public Meeting Pending Proposal: The purpose of this notification is to provide an update regarding the proposed residential condominium development located at Elgin Street and Price Street East in the Community of Gosport. Applicant: JRB Williams Enterprises Inc Agent: EcoVue Consulting Services Inc. File Numbers: SUB2022 & Z13-2022 Supporting Documentation:
Key Dates:
Applewood Meadows Subdivision - Phase 3 & 4 SUB2021-02 | ||||
Proposal: The purpose of the Plan of Subdivision Application (SUB2021-02) is to develop the subject lands with a residential subdivision, containing a combination of single-detached, semidetached, townhouse and stacked back-to-back townhouse dwelling, as well as limited mixed-use buildings with commercial at grade and residential dwelling units above. The stacked back to-back townhouse dwellings will contain between ten (10), sixteen (16) or twenty-two (22) units in a low-rise townhouse-built form. At full build-out, the proposed development will contain a total of thirty-five (35) residential units in Phase 3 and up to five-hundred and twenty-one (521) residential units in Phase 4. Applicant: 8597685 Canada Inc Location: Concession 1, Part of Lot 5, Plan 28, being Part 1 on 39R-6003, and Block 67 on Plan 39M-924 Supporting Documentation: If requiring a copy of the submitted materials, please email the Planning department at: File Numbers: SUB2021-02, OPA02-2021, Z13-2021, and B19-2021 Key Dates: |
Bonn Road - South of Whites Road | ||||
Purpose and Effect of the Applications: The Subject Lands are broken up into East and West parcels on either side of Bonn Road. The East Parcel consists of 27.9 ha and has 405.2 m of frontage on the south side Whites Road and 360.4 m of frontage on the east side of Bonn Road, along with 419.5 m on the unopened portion of Bonn Road. The West Parcel consists of 30.8 ha and has 266.4 m of frontage on the east side of Georgina Street and 348.2 m frontage on the west side of Bonn Road, along with 232.4 m of frontage on the unopened portion of Bonn Road.
Applicant: 2731008 Ontario Inc. Location: Part of Lots 30, 31 and 32, Concession “A”, Municipality of Brighton Mun. Address: Bonn Road – South of Whites Road Supporting Documentation: Nomad Pit - West Phase Two ESA Nomad Pit - East Phase Two ESA File Numbers: OPA02-2023, Z08-2023 and B10-15-2023 Key Dates:
207 Middle Ridge Road - B20-2022, B21-2022, B22-2022, Z17-2022, OPA05-2022 |
The purpose an Official Plan Amendment (OPA05-2022), Zoning by-law Amendment (Z17-2022) and three Consent Applications (B20-2022, B21-2022, B22-2022) to sever three (3) lots intended to accommodate future residential development. The application for Official Plan Amendment is to change the property’s current OP designation from Aggregate Resource to Rural. A Zoning By-law Amendment is to rezone the lots to be severed from Rural “RU” and Extraction Industrial “EM” and to a modified Rural “RU-x” zone. The requested ZBA will also rezone the woodlot on the lands to an Environmental Protection Applicant: John Widdicks Agent: IBI Group File Numbers: B20-2022, B21-2022, B22-2022, Z17-2022, OPA05-2022 Key Dates: Statutory Public Meeting: July 26, 2023 |
Georgina Street and Hardy Lane - Z07-2024 |
The purpose of Zoning By-law Amendment Application Z07-2024 is to rezone to the subject lands Applicant: Fotenn Planning & Design File Number: Z07-2024 Key Dates: Statutory Public Meeting: November 12th, 2024 Supporting Documents: Conceptual Pedestrian Connection Route Plan |
None at this time. |
None at this time. |
Open House - 175A Ontario Street |
Thursday July 25, 2024 @ 5:30pm at King Edward Park Community Centre The Municipality of Brighton is in receipt of a development enquiry from 1984783 Ontario Inc. (Stephen Tobey/ vanMEER Limited) for a proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision known as ‘Trailside Woods’ accessed via 175A Ontario Street (including future extensions of Lawrence Avenue and Iroquois Avenue). A Subject Lands Map and Draft Concept Plans have been included with this Notice for reference.
The purpose of this Pre-Consultation Open House is to discuss various land use options on the 14.64 hectare parcel and to receive community feedback on the Concept Plans prior to the submission of any development applications. As outlined in the Draft Concept Plans, the proposal aims to develop a mix of residential development on the site. Staff of the Municipality of Brighton will be in attendance to hear opinions expressed by members of the community on the proposed development options. Applicant: 1984783 Ontario Inc. (Stephen Tobey/ vanMEER Limited) Location: 175A Ontario Street
None at this time |
Draft Sign By-Law |