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As part of our commitment to open and accessible government, Council encourages public participation in the decision making process.
Delegations |
Any person may, by written notice to the Clerk, may request an opportunity to address the members of Council on any matter within the jurisdiction of the Municipality. Requests can be submitted by completing the online delegation request form or the fillable PDF delegation request form.
Every request must be made in writing and must be received on the prescribed form by the Clerk at 12:00 p.m. the Wednesday prior to the preferred meeting. The request must include the name, email address, telephone number of the person requesting the opportunity to be a delegation. If this is a Public Meeting, we do not receive Delegation Requests. Everyone in attendance will have the opportunity to speak if they wish. No person presenting a delegation shall:
The speaker will be limited to 10 minutes. After the delegation has completed the presentation, members of Council will each have the opportunity to asks questions for clarification purposes only, and without debate. |
Citizen Comments |
Any member of the public may speak during Citizen Comments. Ten (10) minutes is set aside in each Council meeting for Citizen Comments. For in person meetings, you must fill out the yellow Citizen Comment form and return it to the designated tray at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. To participate virtually, please contact the Clerk's Office 48 hours in advance. You will have a maximum of two (2) minutes to speak. Comments are received by Council without comment or debate. |
Question Period |
Any member of the public may ask a question on any item listed in the agenda without giving notice or submitting a form. A maximum of ten (10) minutes is set aside for Question Period. Comments must be phrased in the form of a question. Council will hear the question and will answer if appropriate. No person speaking during Question Period shall:
Council Correspondence |
Where the subject matter of a communication is properly within the jurisdiction of the Council, and if it is the intent of the author to have correspondence included on a Council Agenda, the following provisions shall apply: 1.1. Correspondence shall be addressed to the Mayor and Council, to the attention of the Clerk; 1.2. Correspondence, including petitions, intended for inclusion in a Council agenda or to be otherwise considered by Council, shall be typewritten or legibly printed, and shall include the name and signature of at least one person or agency, and may include the address, telephone numbers, and email addresses, and shall specifically state that the correspondence is intended to be placed on a Council agenda; 1.3. Correspondence of this nature shall not contain any defamatory statements, allegations, inferences, impertinent, disrespectful or improper matter; 1.4. Correspondence not in compliance with Item 1.3, as deemed by the Clerk, will be returned to the sender (if known) with an explanation as to why the material cannot be included in the Council agenda, and the correspondence will be withheld from inclusion on the agenda, with a copy maintained by the Clerk; 1.5. Names and addresses contained within the correspondence will be included in the agenda package which is published to the Municipality's website; if requested by author the telephone numbers and email addresses may be redacted so as not to appear on the published agenda, either on the written paper agenda, or on the internet publication; 1.6. Correspondence intended for inclusion on a Council agenda shall be received in the Office of the Clerk in accordance with the Municipality's Procedural By-law, prior to noon on the Wednesday prior to the regular Meeting of Council; 1.7. Communications received after 12:00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceding the day of a Council meeting shall be held over for consideration by Council at the next subsequent regular meeting; 1.8. Council meeting agendas, minutes and all information presented at an open meeting, including correspondence or delegation materials, are public documents and are published on the Municipality of Brighton website as part of a Council agenda package, as well as in paper form upon request. Individuals who submit letters and other information to Council should be aware that it may be included on the agenda and that any personal information contained within their communications may become part of the public record and therefore made available through the agenda process which includes publication on the Municipality's website. Correspondence, including e-mail correspondence, intended for Council and/or committee is generally received as public information subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The Clerk shall be advised of any confidential items, the general nature thereof, and will determine if the item meets identified criteria for confidential correspondence as to whether it will be included within the public agenda, circulated under separate cover, or included on a closed session agenda. |
Petition to Council |
How to Submit a Petition: Petitions containing original signatures should be sent by mail or delivered in person to: The Municipality of Brighton Attention: Clerk’s Department 35 Alice Street, Brighton, ON K0K 1H0
Petition Requirements:
This Petition Form is available for public use. If the form is not used, the Petition requirements outlined below must be followed when developing a Petition.
Please Note:
Please note: Individuals who submit delegation requests, letters of correspondence, petitions and other information to Council should be aware that it may be included on the agenda and that any personal information contained within their communications may become part of the public record and therefore made available through the agenda process which includes publication on the Municipality's website.