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Transportation Masterplan
Road safety is a high priority of the Municipality of Brighton.
The Public Works Department is responsible for:
Routine scheduled maintenance is regularly performed as required. Deficiencies reported by the public are repaired on a priority basis. If you have any questions about what maintenance will be performed on your road this year, please contact the Public Works office at 613-475-1162.
For information on, or to report issues about (CR) County Roads (CR2, CR21, CR26, CR27, CR29, CR30, CR41, CR64), please contact Northumberland County at 1-800-354-7050.
The Municipality of Brighton maintains over 250km of roads and 40km of sidewalks during winter operations using 10+ dedicated pieces of equipment for snow removal.
During winter weather events, our Roads Department is responsible for:
All municipal roads are divided into road classes based on traffic volumes and posted speed limits. The Municipality of Brighton has 4 different classes of roads within its boundaries based on these classifications. Class 2 roads have the highest priority with the most vehicles travelling on them. Class 5 roads are lightly travelled and have lower priority.
The Roads Department monitors 4 weather reports each day and does continuous road patrols to know when to dispatch snowplows. Plows are dispatched based on deteriorating road conditions and accumulation as outlined by the O.Reg. 239/02 Minimum Maintenance Standards (MMS) and listed in the chart below:
Road Class | Depth of Snow Accumulation | Timeframe for Clearing Snow |
Class 2 | 5 cm | 6 hours |
Class 3 | 8 cm | 12 hours |
Class 4 | 8 cm | 16 hours |
Class 5 | 10 cm | 24 hours |
Declaring a “Significant Weather Event”
When the Municipality of Brighton is experiencing weather that may affect the ability of our Roads Department to maintain the roads at the service levels that road users would normally expect, we will declare a Significant Weather Event. As per the Ontario Municipal Act, a municipality may declare a significant weather event when a weather hazard, either forecasted or occurring, has the potential to pose a significant danger to users of the roadways in which they have authority.
The declaration of this event will be published on our website and social media channels and also pushed out to key stakeholders in the community.
Driving in the Snow
During poor driving conditions, unnecessary travel is not recommended.
If you do find yourself needing to travel in less than ideal conditions:
Illegal dumping should be reported to the Northumberland County Waste Management Department at:
555 Courthouse Road
Cobourg, ON K9A 5J6
Tel: 1-866-293-8379
The Municipality of Brighton maintains approximately 42 kilometres of sidewalk. Repairs to damaged sidewalks will be undertaken by the Municipality in accordance with established standards. Each year major sections of deficient sidewalks and curb are replaced and upgraded to meet the Municipality's commitment to higher standards of accessibility. The Municipality recommends the removal of all objects beyond the property line and within 30 cm (18") of a municipal sidewalk. These objects include:
The Municipality of Brighton currently operates 6 municipal Parking Lots in the downtown, all of which are free. Long term overnight parking is not allowed as these car parks are intended for customers and employees at our local businesses.
The Municipality of Brighton has approximately 850 light standards and luminaires, which were converted to LED in 2016. Please report any street light malfunctions to the Municipality of Brighton, Public Works Department at 613 475 1162 or