Contact Us
Any problems, concerns or questions about your property can be directed to the appropriate department using our Staff Directory.
General Contact Information
Office Hours Contact: 613 475 0670 or 613 475 1162
Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. Holidays may affect these hours.
After Hours Urgent Concerns Contacts
Public Works After Hours Contact: 613-967-8707 | email:
Environmental Services After Hours Contact: 613-967-8707 | email:
Not sure who to contact? Complete our Citizen Issue/Service Request Form.
Please be advised this form is a non-emergency reporting system. If this is an urgent matter, please call the Municipality of Brighton and follow the prompts. For after hours emergencies related to water, sewer or roads, please call 613 967 8707.
Issues to Report to our Public Works Department |
Call us: 613 475 1162 | Email Public Works After Hours Contact: 613-967-8707 | email: |
Issues to Report to our Environmental Services Department |
Issues to Report to our Finance Department |
Call Us: 613 475 0670 | Email Tax Department | Email Water Billing Department |
Issues to Report to ByLaw |
Call Us: 613 475 1162 | Email ByLaw Officer |
The Municipality of Brighton offers many services for your home or property, whether you are moving into a new home or are looking to make improvements to your property.
Call Before You Dig |
If you are going to plant a tree, do some landscaping, or build a deck or fence on your property you will need to get a locate to be sure that you can dig safely. It's the law, and you are liable for any damages or injury caused to buried infrastructure. Ontario One CallYou can reach Ontario One Call (ON1CALL) at 1-800-400-2255. ON1CALL takes request calls for locates and contacts the utility owners (cable TV, hydro, natural gas, watermains and sewers). The utility owners will then provide you the locate you need to complete your project. Call at least one week before you plan to dig. They are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. |
Fire Services |
Burn Permits are available at the Fire Hall, 20 Elizabeth Street, Brighton. The annual cost can be found in the General Fees and Charges By-law We encourage you to register for the Emergency Notification System. Please call 613-475-1744 for more information. |
Building, Home Renovation or Construction |
If you are planning to construct a new building, alter, or change the use of an existing building, please confirm your Zoning requirements with the Planning Department at 613-475-1162 x100 or email: prior to completing a Building Permit Application. Building Department reviews plans and site inspections to confirm the construction, renovation and demolition comply with the Ontario Building Code, Zoning Bylaws, other Laws and Regulations. New construction, additions to a building or demolitions require a permit, please refer to building permits page or contact the building department at 613-475-1162 ext. 100 to confirm if you require a building permit. You may need a building permit for renovations. Please refer to building permits page or contact the building department to check you need a building permit. |
Taxes |
Tax bills are mailed twice a year; an Interim in January and a Final in June. Each of these bills have two installment due dates. Taxes are due on the last weekday of the month in February, April, July and September. If you have not received your tax notice please contact the Tax Collector at 613-475-0670, ext. 201. Payment
Tax bill reprints and certificate requests
Tax ratesTo determine the amount of taxes levied against a property, the Municipality multiplies the assessed value of a property by the approved tax rate. We collect taxes on behalf of the County of Northumberland, the School Boards and the Municipality. |
Trees and Yards |
The Public Works department is responsible for maintaining all municipal trees, including:
You must ensure that the condition of your yard meets the regulations of the Property Standards By-law 082-2002 and the Amendment to the Property Standards By-law 003-2013. Replacing treesReport dead or diseased trees if they're on your boulevard. We will come and look at the tree to decide if it needs to be removed or replaced. Please refer to the Planting and Care of Trees on Municipal Property By-law 369-2006. |
Water and Sewer Billing |
Per our General Fees and Charges By-law there is a fee imposed for:
Water and sewer charges are billed in accordance with the Water and Wastewater Fees and Charges By-law. Collection of unpaid water and sewer bills are strictly enforced in accordance with the Water and Wastewater Billing and Collection Policy. |
Burn Permits |
Burn Permits |