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A by-law is a municipal law passed under the authority of a Provincial Act. By-laws are the laws that govern municipalities. By-laws are enacted by Council in order to keep the community safe, ensure compatible property uses, and to keep the Municipality of Brighton a pleasing place to live and work. The Municipal Clerk maintains all administrative and regulatory by-laws of the Municipality.
Below are frequently requested By-laws regulating the Public and Municipal staff.
The attached By-laws are not the official versions, or legal documents. Only the signed and sealed version of a By-law issued by the Municipal Clerk is an official version. If you don't see the by-law you are looking for below, you can request a copy from the Municipal Clerk.
Please see the By-law Guide for Residents for more information.
If you need clarification on the enforcement of a by-law, contact Allen Magee, Municipal By-Law Enforcement Officer at 613-475-0670 ext. 121 or by email.
If you wish to make a complaint, this online form can be used.
Backyard Hens By-Law | ||||||
This By-Law regulates the keeping of backyard hens under the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990. For more information please review the Backyard Hens By-Law 012-2021. For more information about the zoning of your property, please refer to the Zoning By-Law Information section below. |
Dog Control By-Law | ||||||
Residents wishing to make a complaint for excessive barking, failure to pick up waste matter or dog(s) running at large must submit a signed written complaint. Tags are required for all dogs by January 1st of each year. Dog tags are available at the Administration Office at 35 Alice Street, Brighton. For more information please review the Dog Control By-Law 052-2020. |
Clean Yard By-Law | ||||||
This By-Law addresses litter, yard waste and maintenance of properties. Residents are reminded to keep their grass cut to an acceptable length, remove any noxious weeds on their property and remove any garbage that may be unsightly, unsafe or a health issue. The Northumberland County dump accepts hazardous materials including house hold batteries. Please refer to the county website or calendar for the dates. For more information please review the Clean Yard By-Law 029-2012. |
Fees and Charges By-Law |
To set general fees for specific services By-law 115-2023. |
Fence By-Law | ||||||
This By-Law controls and regulates the type of fences in the Municipality of Brighton. For more information, please review the Fence By-Law 003-2021.
The Council of the Municipality of Brighton have, by resolution, opted out of the Line Fences Act. By-Law 003-2021 is in the process of being updated to reflect this directive.
Fill By-Law | ||||||
This By-Law controls and regulates the dumping and moving of fill in the Municipality of Brighton. All residents will need to contact the Municipality before moving any large amounts of fill or topsoil. Municipal Staff will determine if a Fill permit will be required before any activity can begin. For more information please review the Fill By-Law 114-2016. Prior to submitting an application, please contact the By-law Officer. |
Fireworks By-Law | ||||||
Fireworks By-Law 078-2016 | ||||||
Noise By-Law | ||||||
If you would like to make a Noise Complaint or apply for an exemption please see the Noise section of the Applications, Forms, Licenses, and Permits page. |
Parking By-Law | ||||||
Residents are reminded they are prohibited from parking in the following areas: Sidewalks, Municipal Boulevards, parking on the opposite side of the road facing traffic, in an Accessible Parking spot without a permit, in front of a Fire Hydrant, overnight in a Municipal Parking lot, 10 meters within an intersection and in a signed “No Parking Zone”. Vehicles will be tagged and possibly towed if found in contravention of the Parking Control By-Law. Unpaid fines will be submitted to the Provincial Offences Court for request for plate denial. Copies of these By-Laws are available at the Public Works Office, 67 Sharp Road. Residents can also contact Allen Magee, By-Law Enforcement Officer 613-475-1162, ext. 121 or by email. Parking By-Law 126-2016 amendments 092-2018, 109-2018, 125-2019, 126-2019 |
Mobile Canteen (Refreshment Vehicle) By-Law | ||||||
Mobile Canteen By-law 028-2021 Amending Mobile Canteen By-law 024-2023 Refreshment Vehicle (Mobile Canteen) Application Form - To request a copy of the current Refreshment Vehicle application, please use the online Application Request Form to receive the current application. |
Short-Term Accommodations (STA's) |
The Municipality of Brighton has passed By-law 032-2022 pertaining to the Licensing of Short-Term Accommodations (STAs). An STA is a dwelling inhabited for 30 days or fewer per month. The Licensing By-law regulates various aspects of different types of Short-Term Accommodation rentals – e.g., Bed and Breakfast Establishments, Whole-home rental, or Owner-occupied rental of a guest room. Provisions of the STA Licensing By-law govern a permit application system that addresses public health and safety standards, parking issues, nuisance management issues, among other public interest matters. If you are an STA operator, you can request a copy of the STA Guidelines & License Application. Existing operators are required to have an approved license permit issued by December 2, 2022. Persons who are proposing new operations may be considered for a license application beginning January 2023. If you have any need for additional information, clarifications, or questions regarding Short-Term Accommodations, please complete the Development Enquiry Form.
Sign By-Law & Permit | ||||||
This By-Law 143-2003 is to regulate the placement and erection of signs as free-standing or on buildings. To request a copy of the current Sign Permit application, please use the online Application Request Form to receive the current application. | ||||||
Sewer Use By-Law | ||||||
This By-Law regulates and controls discharge to the municipal sewer system. Sump Pumps are not permitted to be connected to the sanitary drains on any property. Sump Pumps are also not permitted to be discharged either directly or indirectly in the storm sewer catch basins. Any work performed by Municipal Staff to correct any violations will be invoiced to the property owner for the cost of the work performed. For more information please review the Sewer Use By-Law 127-2016. |
Water Restriction By-Law | ||||||
This By-Law regulates and restricts the unnecessary use of water for outside purposes within the serviced area of the Municipality of Brighton. Residents with odd numbered civic addresses may water on odd numbered calendar days of the month, and residents with even numbered civic addresses may water on even numbered calendar days of the month. Any residential property with a programmable underground sprinkler system shall water every other day provided the said sprinkler system is maintained in good working order. For more information please review the Water Restriction By-Law 077-2016. |
Water Supply By-Law | ||||||
Residents, builders, developers and contractors are reminded that unauthorized operation of a water valve is prohibited within the Municipality of Brighton. If it is determined that a water valve has been tampered with, Municipal Staff will turn the valve off and the owner of the water valve will be invoiced $150 for work performed. Residents, builders, developers and contractors must call the Municipality to request that their water be turned on or shut off by the Water Department. Please contact the Public Works Department to schedule an appointment with the Water Department, 613-475-1162, ext. 108. For more information please review the Water Supply By-Law 119-2017. |
Zoning By-Law Information | ||||||
Commonly residences will require Zoning and Official Plan information regarding property sales of their home, and/or prior to construction projects. To look up the Zoning of your property, these instructions will assist.
If you are experiencing difficulty or have general enquires related to Zoning, you are welcome to complete a Development Enquiry Form. If you have additional questions, please contact the Planning Department at 613-475-1162. See this information package for Additional (Secondary) Dwelling Units as a zoning and construction guide.
Section 3 - Establishment of Zones Section 4 - General Provisions Section 5 - Parking and Loading Standards Section 8 - Special Zone Categories Site and Area Specific Provisions |
Zoning By-Law Maps | ||||||
Please refer to the Key Map for the maps below. These maps may be subject to change and, thus, the version of the maps issued by the Municipal Clerk is the official version.
Property Standards |
This By-Law is to prescribe standards for the maintenance and occupancy of property within the Municipality of Brighton and for prohibiting the occupancy or use of such property that does not conform with the standards contained herein. For more information please review the Property Standards By-Law 099-2020.