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All Committees of Council are required to follow the Committees of Council Administration Policy and the Code of Conduct for Local Board / Committee Members.
Committee of Council Vacancies | |||||||||
The Municipality of Brighton is currently seeking citizens who are interested in becoming citizen members of an advisory committee to administer matters under specific Provincial legislation. Appointment to a committee will allow citizens the opportunity to engage in local municipal governance, develop personal and professional skills and provide advice to Council on matters within the committee’s mandate. To participate as a member, applicants must reside within the Municipality of Brighton and/or be a property owner. Applicants cannot be employed by the municipality or a local board. Council will be considering the appointment to the following Advisory Committees:
Applications and Terms of Reference can be found on this webpage or at the Municipal Clerk’s office located at 35 Alice Street, Brighton. If applicants are applying for more than one Committee, a sperate application form must be submitted for each committee. If you have questions about citizen appointments, please contact Jessica Polly, Deputy Clerk at (613) 475-0670 ext. 203 or by email to Pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the personal information contained in this form will be used solely to assess your qualifications for appointment to one of the Municipality of Brighton Boards or Committees. |
Local Board Vacancies | |||||||||
There are currently no vacant positions on the Library Board.
For further reference see the Public Libraries Act, R.S.O. 1990, Sections 9 to 30.
For information about the Brighton Public Library Board, please contact: Rick Hill, Library Board Chair |
Committee/Local Board Application Form | |||||||||
There are several ways to apply to be a member of a committee or local board! You can:
If you have any questions about applying to be a committee or local board member, please contact Jessica Polley, Deputy Clerk at or by phone at 613-475-0670 ext 203 |
Accessibility Advisory Committee |
The Accessibility Advisory Committee provides advice to Council regarding the preparation, implementation, and effectiveness of the Municipal Accessibility Plan with the intent to enhance the ability of people with disabilities to have equal access to opportunities within the municipality.
We advocate for and enhance the ability of persons with disabilities to have equal access to opportunities within the Municipality. The Committee advises the Council about the requirements and implementation of accessibility standards and the preparation of accessibility reports regarding the accessibility for persons with disabilities to a building, structure or premises.
Have an accessibility concern? Interested in attending a meeting or appearing as a delegation? Contact us! View the full Terms of Reference for the Accessibility Advisory Committee.
Community Members Nicole Vreeswyk (Chair) Colleen McPeak Justin Thomson Linda Granger Preston Parkinson Sandy Fawcett-Kovacs
Council Members Councillor Jeff Wheeldon
Clerk Jessica Polley |
Applefest Advisory Committee |
The Applefest Steering Committee is delegated by Council to plan, supervise, coordinate and promote the Annual Applefest event. The Committee also prompts additional citizen volunteers to participate in producing the event, as well as enter into partnerships with community organizations where appropriate.
We provide the opportunity for residents and visitors of all ages to participate in Applefest events and activities, as well as focus on building community spirit and represent excellence in terms of quality and presentation.
Questions about Applefest? Contact us! View the full Terms of Reference for the Applefest Advisory Committee.
Community Members Laura Knegt (Chair)
Kayla Gumb Born and raised in Brighton, Kayla recently moved back to the community, and is excited to be part of the team continuing local Applefest traditions. Kayla is the Executive Assistant to the CEO at Heart & Stroke — a cause that is close to her heart. She has over a decade of experience in the music, entertainment and non-profit industries, with roles in marketing & promotions, editorial and project management. Most recently, Kayla led the organization of a week-long series of events and performances in her previous role as Manager of Events for the Canadian Country Music Association. When she’s not working, you’ll find Kayla exploring local gems and enjoying the great outdoors by going on hikes and paddleboarding.
Sherry Burkitt Tiffany Fox
Council Members Councillor Bobbi Wright Councillor Emily Rowley
Staff Members Caroline Birch |
Committee of Adjustment |
The Planning Act grants authority to Municipal Councils to appoint committees to approve a number of minor applications. Section 45 |
Community Events & Civic Awards Committee |
The Community Events & Civic Awards Steering Committee plans, supervises, coordinates and promotes community events such as the annual Canada Day Celebrations and Santa Claus Parade, the summer Concerts in the Park and Movies in the Park, as well as the biannual Community Civic Awards.
We present the opportunity for participation in community events by residents and visitors of all ages as well as to focus on building community spirit and representing excellence in terms of quality and presentation of events.
Interested in learning more about upcoming community events? Contact us! View the full Terms of Reference for the Community Events and Civic Awards Advisory Committee.
Community Members Lloyd Hutchinson (Chair)
Heather Benton Heather and her husband, Alan moved to Brighton 3 ½ years ago after spending a “Golden Gap Year” travelling Europe. They wanted to come back to Southern Ontario and looked for a smaller town that was close to the lake and also easily within driving distance for their 4 children to visit. She has settled into the community by joining groups such as PROBUS and the Brighton Garden Club. Heather is an avid gardener spending many hours creating a garden at her newly built home. She is also a member of a walking group, ballroom and line dances, takes yoga and plays pickleball and golf. Prior to retiring, Heather spent most of her career as a regional manager for a small retail chain. But volunteering has always been something that fit into her busy schedule. For many years, Heather was involved in the Communities in Bloom organization, as well as volunteering at Parkwood Estates on their gala committee. Once retired, she moved to SW Ontario and volunteered on the Tillsonburg Community Cultural Advisory Committee - the equivalent of the Brighton Community Events Committee. She also was on the board of the local arts resource centre, volunteered at the local curling club and horticultural society. Joining the CEC was a way to give back to the community and use her managerial and event planning skills to help coordinate events such as Canada Day and the Volunteer Appreciation event.
Jackie Steele
Mary-Louise Barbieri Mary is a corporate meeting planner and incentive travel specialist working with The Wynford Group out of Toronto (remotely). Mary is here to lend her expertise in project management, event planning, and communications to our community events. Mary and her husband moved to Brighton with their three teenagers in 2021 and their only regret is not doing it sooner. She joined the Municipality of Brighton Events Committee in 2022 and has enjoyed getting to network within her new community. Mary loves birding, gardening, and all outdoor pursuits. Mary's favourite saying is 'A stranger is a friend you have't met yet' so if you see her walking around town or at Presqu'ile be sure to say hello.
Phil Pike
Council Members Councillor Bobbi Wright Councillor Emily Rowley
Staff Members Ben Hagerman |
Economic Development Advisory Committee |
The Economic Development Advisory Committee identifies, prioritizes and allocates resources to its development activities as identified within the Community Development Plan. Priorities and methodologies are established to implement the plan’s three main pillars of economic, community, and tourism development. We advise specific strategies and actions to further enhance the community and its economic development.
Have a question or are interested in learning more about Brighton's economic development plans? Contact us! View the full Terms of Reference for the Economic Development Advisory Committee.
Community Members Laura Knegt (Chair)
David Francis David Francis serves as Vice-Chair of Brighton’s Economic Development Advisory Committee. David’s professional background is in the academic administration of colleges, where he serves as a director of strategic initiatives. He brings significant experience in policy development, governance models, and project management. He holds undergraduate degrees in mathematics and education, a Master of Education degree, and a Ph.D. in Educational Administration. David has been a resident of Brighton since 2019 and enjoys the many cultural and outdoor activities the region offers.
Martin Opsteen Wayne Jefferson
Council Members Deputy Mayor Ron Anderson
Staff Members: Ben Hagerman |
Emergency Planning Committee |
The Municipal Act, S.O., 2001, as amended, vests authority to municipalities in Ontario to exercise their powers in the provision of “good government,” which is widely interpreted to include asset management as well as the social, economic and environmental well-being of the community. In addition to this broad mandate, the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act requires municipalities to implement mandatory emergency management programs in conformity with regulations developed by Emergency Management Ontario. Collectively, these statutory requirements mandate how municipalities must prepare for, and respond to, emergency situations occurring within their jurisdictions. |
Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee |
The Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee Brighton is a liaison for the flow of strategic advice and expertise among the community stakeholders regarding the community’s environmental sustainability. The Committee provides information and advice on particular environmental sustainability issues and discusses the impact of this on the community and municipal plans, while recognizing that many of the issues are within the context of regional, national or global concerns. We identify activities which support broadened awareness regarding environmental sustainability practices within the Municipality and draw on the knowledge of community members regarding environmental sustainability issues. The Committee additionally initiates and/or receives submissions or delegations from other organizations regarding specific environmental concerns and advises Council.
Have an environmental concern or want to know more about Brighton's sustainability actions? Contact us! View the full Terms of Reference for the Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee.
Community Members Heather Cann Janine McClintock
Jessica Livingstone Jessica has been a part of the Brighton Sustainability Advisory Committee for the past 2 years, and is currently the acting Vice Chair. She is in her fourth year of Ecological Restoration at Trent University, studying how to restore degraded landscapes into functional systems, alongside how to protect ecosystem structure and function. Jessica feels her background provides a unique perspective to contribute to this committee as she can provide insight into the functionality of Brighton's environment and how to best preserve these natural systems. Jessica shares she is excited to have the chance to collaborate with the community and this committee and preserve the natural beauty of Brighton.
Natasha Lewis
Pamela Vanderburg Pamela is on her second term on the Brighton Environmental Committee and has been a Brighton resident for 31 years. Pamela is now a retired secondary school teacher. During her teaching career, Pamela taught at the local high schools, including E.N.S.S., for 22 years. For a number of years, Pamela was also the Head of the Canada and World Studies Department where she taught Indigenous Studies, Sociologies and Civics classes. Pamela shares, "our community is very dear to me," as she explains that bringing together local youth and the community as well as participating in the local Curling and Dragon Boating clubs are what she is most passionate about. Pamela is also very involved in the community: she ran Relay for Life while it was in Brighton, is an active member in the Brian Todd Memorial Community Fund, Probus, Brighton Garden Club, and was a past VP of the Executive of the Brighton Dragon Boat Club.
Phil Murphy
Council Members: Councillor Anne Butwell Councillor Jeff Wheeldon (Chair)
Staff Members: Paul Walsh (Staff Liason) |
Health Services Advisory Committee |
The Health Services Advisory Committee is a liaison for the flow of strategic advice and expertise among the community stakeholders related to matters pertaining to the attraction and retention of overall health services for the community. We identify and provide advice to Council on strategies needed to attract and retain health services and providers (i.e. general practitioners or family doctors, lab services, diagnostic imaging, physicians with specialties and paramedical services) to the Municipal of Brighton. The Committee also draws on the knowledge of community members regarding health services issues and initiates and/or receives submissions or delegations and makes submissions or delegations regarding health services to advise Council.
Questions about Brighton's health services? Contact us! View the full Terms of Reference for the Health Services Advisory Committee.
Community Members
Heather Canuel Jody Decker Lynn Eves Sandy Fawcett-Kovacs
Council Members Deputy Mayor Ron Anderson |
Heritage Advisory Committee |
The Heritage Advisory Committee provides assistance and recommendations to Council associated with identification, conservation and celebration of Brighton’s cultural heritage. We raise awareness of the importance of heritage properties and Brighton’s history to the cultural, social and economic well-being of the community.
Interested in learning more about Brighton's cultural heritage? Contact us! View the full Terms of Reference for the Heritage Advisory Committee.
Community Members Phillip Kinzinger (Chair)
Dan Buchanan Dan grew up on a farm at Codrington, attended E.N.S.S. and then worked in technical support. He returned to Brighton in 2010, along with in-depth genealogy work and a keen interest in area history. He joined the Heritage Advisory Committee in 2023 and brings to the group an extensive knowledge of local history as well as expertise in research that leverages the developments in digital technology to make more information available to historians. Now called “The History Guy of Brighton”, Dan is engaged in two projects in support of the committee. First, historical plaques around the area are being updated and enhanced to provide visitors with better information of key historical people and events. Second, deep-dive research is underway to document the history of every property in the town of Brighton, resulting in new historical pamphlets visitors can use to tour the town.
Nanci Anderson Catherine Stutt
Council Members Councillor Bobbi Wright
Staff Members: Ron Warne (Staff Liason) |
Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee |
The Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee is a liaison for the flow of strategic advice and expertise among the community stakeholders related to justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (“JEDI”) and for the promotion of equity, racial acceptance, and multicultural education for the community. We host and encourage the implementation of community events to deepen the community's commitment to JEDI and create a more inclusive environment and community. The Committee provides advice on best practices to aid with community education regarding anti-racism and anti-discrimination practices. The Committee additionally makes recommendations to Council concerning topics of equality and equity opportunities as an employer and service provider, anti-racism and anti-discrimination policies, diversity and inclusion opportunities and policies, promoting respect and understanding of cultural diversity and inclusion for indigenous, racialized and LGBTQ2S+ community members, and action plans to eliminate racial discrimination.
Interested in inclusivity actions in Brighton? Want to learn more about creating inclusive environments and communities? Contact us! View the full Terms of Reference for the Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Committee.
Community Members Amanda Sloan Amanda Sloan is an award-winning content creator and copywriter at Thankful Cow Solutions. She has hosted podcasts such as Geek Herring, FivePointFive, and The Crowded Tavern. She builds inclusive communities, leads with her heart, and brings everything to her dedicated projects. Amanda talks and writes about gender, diversity and inclusion, podcasting, business, and more.
Angela Chen Mohamed Khan Steph Hails
Council Members Councillor Anne Butwell Councillor Jeff Wheeldon |
Line Fence Viewers |
The Municipal Council of the Municipality of Brighton has opted-out of the Line Fence Viewers by resolution. The Fence By-Law shall be amended to illustrate this directive at a future Council meeting. |
Library Board |
Under the Public Libraries Act, public libraries in Ontario must be operated under the management and control of a public library board. The board has the authority to formulate policies concerning the operations and services of the public library. Once established by municipal by-law, a public library board is responsible for the operation of its library system. The Library Board and the Municipality of Brighton work in cooperation toward common goals. |
Police Services Board |
Police services boards oversee how policing is provided in their local community. They contribute to their community’s safety and well-being by working with local citizens and organizations to ensure their community receives the appropriate policing it needs. A municipality’s policing is overseen by a board where the community chooses one of the following:
Police services boards consist of an equal number of members appointed from both the regional or municipal council and the province, and one community member chosen by the council. Becoming a provincially-appointed board member Interested applicants may apply to become a provincially-appointed board member through the Public Appointments Secretariat website where current vacancies are listed. Provincial members are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor, by Order in Council. To qualify as a board member, you must:
Previous experience on boards or committees is considered an asset. Board members are expected to:
Many boards hold monthly or special meetings throughout the year. Some boards may expect members to attend certain events related to the board’s work. Local police services boards can provide more information on the time commitment required. Remuneration is provincially regulated, and the amount is determined and paid by the municipality. Board responsibilities OPP police services boards are responsible for:
Municipal police services boards are responsible for:
Additional information Provincial appointees reflect the diversity of the people of Ontario and deliver services and decisions in a non-partisan, professional, ethical and competent manner. Appointees have a commitment to the principles and values of public service. Board members may be subject to other statutes, regulations, rules or directives that currently exist or that may be established which are applicable to agencies, boards or commissions. This includes those currently employed by the Ontario Public Service, which would exclude potential applicants from being provincially-appointed members to police service boards. Contact information
Public Appointments Secretariat
Room 2440, Whitney Block 99 Wellesley St. West Toronto, ON M7A 1W4
Property Standards Committee |
The Property Standards Committee deals with matters related to the Municipality’s Property Standard By-laws as supported through the Municipality’s Official Plan. The Property Standards By-law regulates items of safety and general upkeep of properties and buildings. The Property Standards Committee is a quasi-judicial body appointed by Council to consider appeals to orders issued by Municipal Property Standards Officers. We make informed and impartial decisions regarding any appeal of any owner who has been served an Order issued by a Municipal Property Standards Officer pursuant to the Municipality’s Property Standards By-law. The Committee presides over hearings for Owners/occupants that have received an order by a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, and are not satisfied with the terms or conditions of the order.
Question about the Municipal Property Standards and By-laws? Contact us! View the full Terms of Reference for the Property Standards Advisory Committee.
Community Members Dave Roberts Dave has been a resident of the Town of Brighton for 10 years, and a resident of Northumberland County for the past 19 years. Prior to moving to the County, Dave worked for the City of Toronto and, before amalgamation, for the City of North York. Since moving to the County, Dave has enjoyed serving local government in various capacities. While a resident of Grafton, Dave served as a member of the Accessibility Advisory Committee, the Library Board and the Community Water System Advisory Board. As a resident of Brighton, Dave has served as a member of the By-law Review Advisory Committee, preformed duties as a Fence Viewer and currently, as a member of the Property Standards Committee.
George McCormack James Kovacs Paul VandeGraaf Sam Hazlewood |
Recreational Facility Advisory Committee |
The Recreation Facility Advisory Committee will provide support, guidance and strategic advice to Municipal staff and Council as related to the development of a new Multi-Use Recreation Complex for the Municipality of Brighton to ensure that that the Municipality’s plans for a new Multi-Use Recreation Complex are achievable and feasible to implement.
Have a concern of question related to the Recreational Facility Advisory Committee? Contact us!
View the full Terms of Reference for the Recreational Facility Advisory Committee. |
Rural Advisory Committee |
The Rural Advisory Committee of the Municipality of Brighton is a liaison for the flow of strategic advice and expertise among the community stakeholders related to issues effecting rural Brighton. We advise Council on any issues related to the rural community that may be pertinent, agricultural policies and practices, rural transportation strategies, rural recreational needs, and rural broadband strategies.
Have a concern or question related to Brighton's rural community? Contact us!
View the full Terms of Reference for the Rural Advisory Committee.
Community Members Andre Ootjers Andre Ootjers is semi-retired and works part time as a consultant for a company that manufactures roofing products. Andre has worked for this company in supervisory and management roles on multiple industrial construction projects since 1995 until his retirement in 2022. In 2023, Andre built a new home on a rural property in Brighton and in the process of applying for a building permit, he also had to apply for a minor variance. Through this process, Andre has become interested in Municipal Politics and often attends council meetings to stay informed on the local politics and issues. Andre has lived on rural properties for most of his life and feels he has a good grasp on rural property owners concerns and issues. Andre was appointed to the Rural Advisory Committee in 2023. On this committee, he uses his management skills to hear the concerns of rural residents and help voice their concerns and make recommendations to Council.
Jackie Steele Jackie van de Valk
Council Members Councillor Emily Rowley |