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The Municipality of Brighton has initiated a Secondary Plan Project to plan for growth and development in the current greenfield lands within the urban settlement boundary of Brighton. The purpose of the Project is to develop land use, servicing and transportation schedules and policies which will guide the growth and development of these areas.
What is a Secondary Plan?
A Secondary Plan is a component of an Official Plan, permitted under the Planning Act, which contains detailed land use designations and policy direction for a specific area within a Municipality. A Secondary Plan promotes the appropriate development of vacant lands, in a manner which upholds the vision and character of the community. For more information on Secondary Plans and Official Plans, as well as links to the existing planning documents for the Municipality of Brighton, see below:
How will the Secondary Plan for Brighton be developed?
The Municipality of Brighton has engaged D.M. Wills Associates Limited, together with metroeconomics and KMD Community Planning and Consulting, to prepare a Secondary Plan for the greenfield lands within the urban settlement boundary.
The Secondary Plan will be developed over the course of two (2) years, and will involve extensive background review and public consultation. The review and public consultation will be critical in developing land use designations, policies and servicing and transportation schedules which align with the vision and goals for the future development of the Secondary Plan area.
How can I keep updated and involved in the Secondary Plan?
This website will be updated continually throughout the course of the Project. To stay updated, you can contact the Project Team at, or click the “Receive Email Updates” button at the bottom of this page.
Project notices, public consultation opportunities and reports will all be posted and updated below.
Project Notices |
Public Consultation Opportunities |
The Municipality is requesting feedback through a community survey. The purpose of this survey is to gather information from you about your community and provide help to prepare a Secondary Plan which will ultimately provide direction for land use and development in the three distinct secondary plan areas located between the existing built boundary and the limits of the Brighton Urban area. Please provide your input by August 11th, 2023. Walking Tours |
Presentations and Reports |